I cut my hair last week while on leave last - its pretty short but I'm trying to get ready for Korea so its going to get shorter... spending lots of time in a gasmask and such :-) Here's a picture. I was able to donate 14" to a very good cause, and I didn't even panic this time!
Had a bit of an accident with a steak knife Monday on my way home from work. No pictures, but long story short (since I just finished my homework and have to go to bed shortly), I didn't need stitches, its 2cm by 2in deep and is healing well. No infection, didn't cut any nerves or arteries. Oh, and I can't drive because my car is a stick, but I still have to work :-) All is well.
Wow...it is short! Nice :)
Hope that finger is still healing well. Do they at least have you bandaging it and such? I'm surprised that you didn't have to have stitches.
Ah, it was actually my leg (I'll get to that in a second, but I'll probably have to tell my folks tonight)... don't know if I could have a 2in deep cut in my finger, or even an arm *chuckles*... so here's the long story:
Monday, I was getting into my car to leave work. The winds were gusting over 50kts and I had a knife and spoon in a plastic bag from my grapefruit that morning in my left hand… I didn't have any trouble getting the door open, but before I got settled in the seat, the wind turned the bag (unbeknownst to myself), and slammed the door shut, forcing the knife into my leg. It was quite surprising and actually painless (at the time).
I called 911 and left the knife in place because it was serrated (and by the time I was done being transferred around Las Vegas 911 and fire department and then Nellis police but not our fire department and then told them my story... it had stopped bleeding). Of course my commander sees the ambulance at my car right across the street from his office, so he comes out, then goes to get the Shirt. The Shirt helped get the gurney up because the ambulance has just three tiny girls (they kept expecting the fire department that never showed), then he had to follow me to the ER... poor guy.
Eventually, from the ambulance girls getting my boot caught in my steering wheel when they transfered me to the board to the gurney, to them trying to stabilize the knife, to all the speed bumps going from one side of base to the other, to the doc unstabilizing it, to when he was cutting off the rest of my ABU pant leg (much nearer to the knife! dumb!) the jostling got the blood flowing again and the knife kinda bubbled out.
An interesting experience, and much funnier now, but I still feel really stupid... AND I’m out the only 6L ABU pant that’s been on Nellis since the Fall! It happened a little after 6pm and they finally got me out of the hospital around 10:30 *sigh* No stitches, it was a small steak knife, only 2cm long surface cut, but it went in 2 in, so almost to the bone ("mid-shaft left femur" as they noted).
I’m trying to not abuse my Lt Network, but I can’t drive my car because it’s a stick. I tried it Thurs after work thinking since I’d been walking on it since Monday night that I should be able to drive home – still in great pain from just trying to get the car started, which I failed at :-( Should be better soon though, no infection, missed all the major nerves and arteries, etc :-)
Oh, and I'm glad you like the hair cut *hugs* Thanks!
holy crap girl!! no more knives for you!!
Gonna miss you when u go to Korea. Sorry I wasnt able to make it out there before hand..
So I was only car-less for a week... I swam a bit last week and I'm thinking I'll be ready to start running when I get back to Vegas :-) About time! Yayaya!
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