Wednesday, September 3, 2008

KORN111, week 2

. . My Korean class is moving along quite well... or fast, I should really say. We've had 3 classes so far, the first two were syllables and this last one was already into sentence structure and numbers - Amazing... and we've got our first quiz over everything we've learned next Monday (the next class). I guess that'll be my telling mark. I'm anxious. I can copy letters with the best, I can repeat the pronunciations, and I have no idea what any of it means! As far as learning languages, its a little like English in that there are a lot of exceptions, but thats about it.
. . The written characters (hangul) are neat. There are 24 letters and each syllable is formed with at least one consonant (or the null consonant) and a vowel. You can actually tell what sound the letter makes by looking at it because each one indicates a different placement in the mouth. The numbers are interesting as well because they have 2 sets. I remember vaguely the traditional Korean numbers from a TaeKwonDo class from ages ago, which is what we learned last night, but then when I tried to order a combo #3 (com'po set), the lady at Taco Bell corrected me (nicely, since I was trying), and said they said "sem"... which is from the Chinese derived numbers, and I have to say the rest of the numbers aren't so closely related by sound. Anyway, it is a fascinating class, regardless of speed and I'm putting it to use every chance I get and hopefully I'll learn something :-)
. . Oh, and I still don't have pictures from my promotion - I think someone lost that camera! Sorry!!!

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